Master the Art of Aeropress Coffee While Camping

making the best aeropress coffee while camping

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Aeropress coffee has been our go-to method of brewing coffee while camping for years now. Though we have and do still enjoy other methods of making camping coffee, there are several reasons Aeropress coffee stands out as the method of choice.

  • The brew is highly adjustable - everything from a mild morning brew to a rich espresso-like cup is achievable with the Aeropress

  • It’s very compact - everything (including the Porlex coffee grinder) nests nicely together

  • Clean-up is a cinch - because of the air-gap process in the press and minimalist coffee filter

  • It’s cheap!

The Best Aeropress Models

Classic Aeropress

The traditional Aeropress has a 10oz capacity and is made in the USA with high-quality FDA approved BPA-free plastic. The kit includes a funnel, 14g grounds scoop, stir stick, and filters. You can also get the classic aeropress in a new CLEAR design*!

Aeropress Go

The Aeropress Go is an all-in-one slightly-more-portable version of the classic aeropress with an 8oz capacity and is made out of the same high-quality materials. This model is great for solo camping and travel, and comes with a compact 14g ground scoop, folding stir stick, 20pc filter case, and a mug that doubles as the storage container.

Aeropress XL

If you need all the caffeine you can handle (or need to make coffee for a group), the Aeropress XL will help you get your fix! It offers twice the capacity of the Classic Aeropress, in the same easy-to-use design that uses high-quality FDA approved BPA-free plastic.

How to Use Your Aeropress Coffee Maker

No matter which model of Aeropress you use, the supplies needed remain the same, just be sure to always use high-quality whole-bean coffee, grind the coffee shortly before brewing, and never boil your coffee.

Supplies Needed:

  • Aeropress - The primary components consist of: the plunger, brew chamber, and filter basket

    Optional: The Porlex Mini Grinder* is perfect for use with the aeropress - it fits conveniently inside the aeropress’s plunger for storage, it has highly adjustable grind settings and uses high-quality ceramic burrs

  • Aeropress filters - though they make mesh reusable filters*, we prefer the biodegradable filters (like the ones that come packaged with the aeropress) as they retain water in the brewing chamber more effectively and make clean-up significantly easier while camping

  • Medium-fine ground coffee

  • A pot to boil water in - we’ve used the same MSR Titan Kettle* for over a decade and love it!

  • A Camping coffee mug

  • Heat Source - anything that brings water to boil will do

How to make a Perfect Cup of Aeropress Coffee everytime


  1. Heat water to desired temperature (200-205 degrees, or just off the boil)

  2. Insert a filter into the filter basket and attach the basket to the brew chamber by turning clock-wise

  3. Place assembled brew chamber/filter basket on your camping mug

  4. Add medium-fine ground coffee - we use 1-2 tablespoons per cup water - to the brew chamber

  5. Fill brew chamber with your just-off-the-boil water

  6. Stir for 10-15 seconds and allow to settle and drip

  7. Top off with remaining water as brew chamber drains

  8. Insert plunger and apply slow downward pressure until it bottoms out (should take about 10 seconds) and you can hear the air pressing through the grounds

  9. Remove the aeropress from your camping mug and enjoy!

How to Clean Your Aeropress Coffee Maker

  1. Invert the Aeropress so that the filter basket is up

  2. Remove the filter basket

  3. Using the plunger, press the grounds and filter into the trash

  4. Rinse the plunger, basket, and brew chamber, and you’re done! We do recommend washing the Aeropress with biodegradable soap and water every third use or so

Now you can grab your Aeropress, head for the outdoors, and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee by the campfire! And be sure to check out these 7 Ways To Make Incredible Camping Coffee for some alternative ways to get your caffeine fix while camping.

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